A comprehensive guide to the mysteries of the I Ching.

Ancient Wisdom and New Science Dr. David S. Lee and Joseph K. Kim

Originally discovered around 3,000 BCE, the I Ching is a collection of symbols that explain how patterns in the universe change and shift. These sixty-four symbols contain within them one of the most powerful keys to understanding the world around us. THE SECRETS OF THE I CHING: Ancient Wisdom and New Science (St. Martin’s Essentials) is the definitive guide to understanding the ancient mysteries and foundations of the I Ching.

Authors Dr. David Lee and Joseph K. Kim guide the reader from the very beginning of Eastern thought, the concepts of Tao and Tai Chi, through the theory of Yin-Yang, Trinity, the Five Elements, and other critical concepts that will unlock the full meaning of the I Ching. Instead of simply re-interpreting the myriad of meanings ascribed to the I Ching, they focus on the symbols themselves, offering a new way of understanding its unique power. 

Filled with over three hundred images and backed by in-depth research and study, THE SECRETS OF THE I CHING is the ultimate guide to the I Ching and essential reading for anyone interested in exploring the power of this ancient source of wisdom and knowledge.