What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a natural and complete medical system that has flourished in Asia for the past 5,000 years and is rapidly gaining popularity in the West. It involves the insertion of hair-thin, solid, and sterile stainless-steel needles into specific locations on the body called acupuncture points. Because of their size, acupuncture needles cause little or no discomfort when inserted. Instead of tearing the body’s tissues, the needles gently separate them, allowing them to realign upon removing needles.
Acupuncture has few side effects and is non-addictive and non-toxic. More than one-third of the world’s population uses acupuncture as their primary mode of health care. The World Health Organization also recognizes it as a valuable and effective medicine for various conditions.
How Does Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture works following the same principles that apply to radio waves. Although invisible to the naked eye, radio waves elicit sound when a radio tuns to the correct frequency. Similarly, when acupuncture needles are placed in specific points on the body and tuned to the proper frequency, they serve as antennae to receive healing energy from the universe. Acupuncture needles broadcast energy through acupuncture points into the body, exerting positive changes.
When the body’s energy is depleted, the needles help restore it either by tuning into the universal energy or by redistributing energy already in the body, drawing from regions of the body where there are surpluses. The needles also serve to drain any surplus energy from the body and redistribute it to areas of the body that are deficient. When there is stagnant energy, acupuncture needles open the circulation so that energy can flow properly throughout the body. The purpose of each of these techniques is to balance the body’s energy.
According to Western science, acupuncture works through three main pathways. First, it helps balance the body’s autonomic nervous system. Second, it regulates the endocrine system. Finally, it stimulates neurotransmitters, such as endorphins and enkephalins.
What to Expect During and After Treatment
During needle insertion, a person may feel a slight pinch or no sensation at all. This may then be followed by a dull, achy, or heavy sensation often described as pressure, a pulsing, or a surge at the location of the needle. Eastern medicine considers this the activation and realignment of the body’s energy. After these initial sensations, people often feel warmth traveling along certain paths. They may also sense energy moving in body regions distant from the insertion site.
During the treatment, most people fall into a state of complete relaxation or fall asleep. After the treatment, some people feel animated and invigorated, while others get a renewed sense of well-being.
On average, an acupuncture treatment lasts 20 to 30 minutes. However, the duration varies depending on the practitioner, the technique used, the patient’s age, and the condition being treated.
Some patients feel relief from symptoms during or immediately following the treatment, while others may take several treatments to feel significant change. The number of treatments varies depending on the strength of the patient’s constitution, medical history, and the length of time the person has had the condition. Generally, more chronic conditions take longer to treat.